Mar 29, 2022
Here's a little mid-week topical humor for you: Daniel D discusses the controversy over Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars.
Was this a real slap? Or were Smith and Rock (hey, that sounds like a good name for a law firm!) re-enacting the infamous slapping of comedian Andy Kaufman by professional wrestler Jerry...
Mar 28, 2022
Daniel D discusses the medical benefits of laughter and watching reruns of The Red Skelton Show and the Marx Brothers to treat various afflictions -- Note: this is NOT medical advice; Daniel D is not a doctor and doesn't even play one on television; if you take medical advice from a wannabe comedian and podcaster, you...
Mar 20, 2022
In this episode, Daniel D talks about drinking and having a "six Alka-Seltzer morning" (the number of Alka-Seltzers needed to survive till noon), being a weirdo (Daniel D is the expert at this and one of America's foremost expert in weirdo-ness), and some humorous tips for dealing with inflation. Plus there's a rant...
Mar 20, 2022
In this episode, Daniel D talks about drinking and having a "six Alka-Seltzer morning" (the number of Alka-Seltzers needed to survive till noon), being a weirdo (Daniel D is the expert at this and one of America's foremost expert in weirdo-ness), and some humorous tips for dealing with inflation. Plus there's a rant...
Mar 13, 2022
In this episode of The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Podcast, Daniel D discusses a lawyer's not-so brilliant solution for the Russia vs Ukraine War, as well as some humorous observations about Global Warming and Daylight Savings Time and much more!
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