Aug 25, 2019
Here is the 6th episode of The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Podcast, for Sunday, August 25, 2019. Daniel D tells some silly jokes. Ultra-left-winger Larry Libbman discusses the 72-hour Woke-a-thon sponsored by the Millennial Activist Democrats (MAD) and debates ultra-right-winger Ronnie Champ. Dear Crabby answers...
Aug 18, 2019
Welcome to the 5th episode of The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Podcast. The highlights of this episode include the following:
Aug 11, 2019
In this fourth edition of The Crazy Comedy Humor & Satire Podcast, host Daniel D interviews 4-year-old Hannah about child labor and the Democratic presidential candidates for 2020. He also rambles about childhood, parents cursing around their kids, and other amusing topics.